Girl Scouts

The Girl Scouts of St. Paraskevi have been a part of the church community for over 15 years. We are happy to offer this program to girls at our parish as well as to girls in our community. We meet in the upstairs youth room once or twice a month to do service projects, badges, and most importantly create a bond among the girls. Some of our annual service to St. Paraskevi includes hosting a lunch for the HIHI homeless ministry and cleaning the narthex, church and others areas prior to Pascha. We also create and donate Thanksgiving food baskets to the Family Service League of Huntington every year. Our Girl Scout specific journeys, badges, events and projects keep us busy as well. Over the years the girls have earned the Eastern Orthodox Girl Scouts Awards as well. The girls have earned the St. George Medal and the Chi Ro Award. A small group is currently working to complete the Alpha Omega Orthodox Christian Award as well. We are thankful for the support and community at St. Paraskevi and are always looking for parents to volunteer to run younger troops. Our current troop consists of all high school level girls.

For any questions about the Girl Scouts ministry, contact Agapi Bell at